Health & Wellness Family, Community & Civic Organizations
Michele is an autistic woman and mother of two autistic children. After her children were diagnosed, she saw that the emotional, physical, and educational needs of the caregiver were never cared for. Caregivers were unseen and unsupported. Care 4 the Caregivers was born to fill that need.
Before founding Care 4 the Caregivers Michele worked as a geneticist at TGen and has an undergraduate degree in Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology and a Master of Science Degree from Arizona State University. She also worked as an adjunct professor, re-wrote biology manuals for ASU, is published in peer-reviewed journal articles and is the author of a STEM picture book series.
Michele is a Certified Autism Specialist, a Protective Factors Training, a Flourishing Families Practitioner, and a Stepping Stones Triple P Practitioner. She has participated in the Arizona Foundation for Women SHE Leads! and the Pilot Parents AZ Partner in Leadership Advocacy Training Programs.
Since we began Care 4 the Caregivers has always been grounded in real life experience, vulnerability, consistency and empathy for caregivers of children with disabilities who themselves face tremendous physical and emotional challenges. Our mission is simple: provide quality emotional, physical and educational support to caregivers who have to keep themselves healthy and whole so that they can provide their children with the care they need. We achieve that mission by keeping these core values at the center of everything we offer: